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Experience the GenSolutions Difference

Genuine assurance and business improvement services

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The Difference

Your Assurance Experts

GenSolutions specialises in personalised assurance, auditing and consulting services throughout Australia. In addition to our certified auditors, we have the skills, knowledge and friendly charisma to work in well with your people. We are ready to tackle any business improvement challenges that you may have as your genuine trusted risk management expert and assurance provider.

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Training & Workshops

GenSolutions provides essential training to skill up your people so they can support your organisation's success. We provide critical business training, addressing risk management, fraud prevention and corporate governance to provide you with peace of mind.


Our training sessions and workshops are tailored to your requirements and teach your team fundamental skills on how to manage risk and implement important controls to protect and enhance the value of your organisation.

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+61 2 6278 6951

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

©2023 GenSolutions

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