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Training &


Training: List

Risk Workshop - Assess your risks today

Online Enterprise or Operational Risk Training Session and Workshop

Our advisors provide individualised risk management services, risk maturity assessments and can offer training workshops to support you and your staff to understand and manage your risks.


With many years of experience, our experts have the knowledge and expertise to support development of your risk management framework. Contact us today for further information.

Fraud Prevention Training & Maturity Assessment - Gain insight for control

Essential sessions - Helping you to prevent fraud and corruption

Our experts will assess your fraud prevention maturity and can provide training and assessment workshops to skill up your people and support you to manage fraud risks and incidents.

Reach out to us today for further information.

Corporate Training Sessions - Tailored to your needs

Topics from Corporate Governance, Data Analytics to Cyber Security and Assurance

Would you like ready access to important training session topics for your organisation, tailored to your specific needs? 

We offer annual training programs and refresher courses to ensure that your organisation remains up to date on key areas of emerging risk, fraud and internal control.

Contact us today to register for our training sessions.  

+61 2 6278 6951

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